New screening system introduced at Taranaki Base Hospital

6 May 2022

Visitor health screening kiosks are being introduced at Taranaki Base Hospital to help keep patients, visitors and staff safe from COVID-19.

The touch screens welcome visitors and ask them to answer simple questions about any symptoms they may have experienced in the last three days, and if they have had any contact with someone with COVID-19. Visitors also log where they are going on campus, creating an emergency register.

They are now in place at the main and maternity hospital entrances for an initial three-week trial period to gather feedback about the user experience, before they are rolled-out to all entrances at Taranaki Base Hospital, Hāwera Hospital and Stratford Medical Centre.

The system will ensure a consistent health screening process for every visitor to the hospital campus and provide a record of people on site at any given time.

Taranaki DHB project sponsor Wendy Langlands said: “Asking visitors to answer a few simple questions before entering the hospital will mean we can ensure our COVID-19 and other infection prevention controls are consistent and effective.

“The system also means we have an up-to-the-minute register of who is on site, enabling us to improve our emergency management protocols and Health and Safety requirements.”

If answers to any screening questions suggest someone may present a heightened risk of infection, further screening will take place to maintain safety.

Security guards will remain at entrances to help people, and information posters will advise and inform visitors about the screening process and why it is being implemented.

“We are not trying to prevent people from visiting our hospital, not at all, this is about  protecting our most vulnerable patients from the risk of an infection that may be dangerous for them,” explains Wendy

 “An electronic system enables us to do this in a more consistent and effective manner.”

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